All in Social Behavior

Experiencing new realtionship energy for the first time as a 26-year-old control freak

The past couple weeks have been eventful for me. While I was apprehensive to take a step back from LTASEX (I’m writing this only nine days into my “vacation”), it’s allowed me to live life and have some awesome new experiences.

As a 26-year-old who has never had a significant other, diving head first into a lake of new-relationship energy has been one of the most exciting.

Sex is important or why sexual incompatibility shouldn't be suffered

Whenever people like me give the advice to end a relationship due to sexual incompatibility, there’s always a group of people screaming that bad or absent sex is something you should just endure for love. Honestly, that’s complete horseshit. Sex may not be the most important part of a committed relationship, but it’s still pretty dang important. We deserve more from our romantic relationships than martyrdom.

Why you probably don't (but should) date outside your race

Back in 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States of America said what we all knew: Race-based marriage discrimination is stupid and unconstitutional.

Even though that landmark decision made love across color lines legal, it didn't open the floodgates of interracial relations. In fact, according to a Pew research study, in 2010, only 8.4 percent of all marriages were interracial. A lot of people site this as evidence that we don't want to date interracially; I think it's just an unfortunate side effect of the fear, uncertainty and doubt we have surrounding race ... and a hint of laziness.

5 unique ways to be romantic

Let’s be straight: we all know how to be romantic….or we think we do. We all know how to act out the obvious clichés of romance. We can all buy flowers and chocolates for our significant others on Valentine’s day. We can take our date out to a candlelit dinner at a restaurant way above our pay rate and take them home for passionate, romance novel-esque sex. But that isn’t real romance; what everyone believes to be “romantic” are cliché constructs of a consumer-driven society. So, I am here to tell you 5 ways you can skip the flowers and chocolates and still be wholeheartedly romantic.

How I stay close, intimate with my sweetheart

I’m willing to wager the word “intimacy,” when considered, often leaves a sweet gumdrop trail of images: holding hands, sharing secrets or making love. However, I tend to translate “intimacy” in a stranger but more exciting way. 

There are some specific things my girlfriend and I engage in to stay close. These things may not be orthodox but they work, and the two of us are extremely happy.