You know, I’ve always thought that condoms were in need of a revolution. Besides a few changes in materials, it’s essentially the same invention from ancient times. Luckily scientists are working on that problem.
Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!
All in Sexual Health
You know, I’ve always thought that condoms were in need of a revolution. Besides a few changes in materials, it’s essentially the same invention from ancient times. Luckily scientists are working on that problem.
What can I do to boost my testosterone level so I can have a desire for sex and have an erection?
The fact is: people will do what the hell they want to do. There is no amount of fear that’s going to stop people from making bad or unsafe decisions. So instead of shoving blue waffle in people’s face, why don’t we simply have a rational conversation about the risks involved with sex?
People ask me why we need to talk about sex, and I try to answer them. But, no answer I could ever give would be as effective as a face to face confrontation with the fear, uncertainty, doubt, guilt, and shame that we all hold within us. So, I guess the best answer I could ever give is to say that we must talk about sex because we must.
You either love it or hate it, but do you know what it is really? I was asked and I didn't so I put this together for you.
For those who don’t know what semen is… Semen is the ejaculate of male mammals. Its main purpose is to transport sperm to the awaiting egg of a female mammal for reproductive purposes. That’s how it’s supposed to be used, but we all know that the large majority of the semen ejaculated by humans ends up on a towel at the bottom of the laundry basket instead of a vagina.
So what's it made of?
Sex has to be the most complicated word in the English language. It probably has about 6.4 billion definitions, which is roughly equal to the amount of people angered by the ending of every M. Night Shyamalan film. 6.4 billion Definitions and smart money would still wager that none of those comes close to really answering the question of “what is sex?”