How testosterone effects your sex drive
Does low testosterone cause low sex drive?
What can I do to boost my testosterone level so I can have a desire for sex and have an erection?
The first thing you need to know is that your sex drive isn’t solely determined by your testosterone levels. Yes, high level of testosterone may make you hornier and low testosterone may make you less horny but that’s not absolute. There are a whole bunch of other things that could be at work making your dick not work.
Like anytime there’s an issue with your body, my first suggestion is to go see a doctor. They can check to find out if your testosterone levels are actually low. Maybe there’s something else like diabetes or high cholesterol that is blocking your cock.
Besides testing for physical issues, your doctor can also prescribe things like Viagra or Cialis to help you out.
Next you want to look at other things like stress or depression; both of which can calm your craving cock. If you’re stressed try something like yoga or tai chi to relax your mind and body. If that doesn’t work, you can always try weed to knock the edge off and increase your physical arousal. Of course, I’m not suggesting you do anything illegal. But if medical weed is legal in your state it could be worth a try.
You could also try simply exercising. Anytime your blood is flowing fast you’ll have an easier time getting an erection. If your stress is about how you look or your weight, just exercising will make you feel stronger and more confident. It will also increase your overall health, which is often beneficial to your testosterone production and erections.
If you’re not stressed, you can try a couple other things like watching porn or reading erotica. Both of these stimulate your mind and tend to increase sexual desire. If those don’t work try fantasizing about the sex that really turns you on. This will also help to focus your mind on sexual feelings and hopefully give you a boost in the bedroom or wherever you like to fuck.
If you have the desire for sex but just can’t get an erection, you can try a cock ring. Cock rings are little bands or rings that sit at the base of you dick and help the keep the erection inducing blood where you want it.
One thing that guys often fail to think about trying to help their erection is foreplay. A lot of people born with dicks are under the assumption that if their dick isn’t ready for deployment at all times that there is something wrong. Fact is that guys need foreplay too. There’s nothing wrong with having your body massaged, mind stimulated with a bit of a striptease, balls licked or nipples twisted. Maybe in your case all you need is to make out for a teensy bit longer.
Lastly, I’m going to recommend you switch up your sex play; change the location, style, activities, outfits, etc. Boredom is real and it will take the wind out of your penis’ proverbial sails faster than a kid yanking a bowl of cereal away from the Trix Rabbit. If being spanked by a nun or priest with a tommy gun in a bouncy house is what you need to get you there, then get shopping.
Be safe and keep it sexy.
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