Are you making this crucial dating mistake?
Only dating one type of person is pointless and will probably leave you unhappy and unfulfilled.
The introduction period of dating can be so tedious. It doesn’t help that is seems like everyone keeps asking me the same tired questions. What’s my job? Where do I go to school? What are my hobbies? It bores me to entropy.
Of all the questions I get far too often, the one that I despise the most is, “So, what’s your type?” I always want to reply, “Well, I’m talking to you so what the fuck do you think it is.” However, I’m a nice guy so I don’t go for the throat. I usually just reply, “Well, I don’t have one.”
It’s true I do not have a “type.” To be honest, I think the whole idea of a “type” is ridiculous. There are almost 7 billion people on this big blue marble and I’m supposed to decide that I will only date or have sex with people with certain characteristics. Why would I limit myself like that?
Have you ever taken a look around? This world is drowning in sexiness. It shows up in so many different shapes, sizes, colors, languages, financial situation and education levels that limiting yourself to only a short list of predetermined criteria is… foolish, at best.
Just because a guy drives a Ford Taurus doesn’t mean he’s not a douche nozzle. Just because a girl is Asian doesn’t mean that she’s some wilting flower. You cannot predict your love, life, sex, or relationship satisfaction based upon a group of trivial and meaningless markers.
People have types, mainly, because they fail to see the world in shades of grey. They want to limit their risk of being hurt and increase their chances of getting laid. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to know that you can’t classify your way safety and security when it comes to love and relationships.
We do not live in a world that is easily classifiable. Being a part of modern society means that you must live with a certain level of confusion, chaos, and uncertainty. No matter how hard you try, it won’t go away. So, why not embrace it?
I failed biology, twice. Yet even I know that nature loves variety because it’s healthy and beneficial. When it comes to sex and dating, variety is a surefire way to make sure that you fuck or fall in love with someone worthwhile. Having a “type” is a surefire way to make sure that you miss out on some awesome experiences.
When there is so much variety in this world, why would you choose to stick with beige when you could taste the rainbow? When you go to a buffet do you only eat what you’ve always eaten or do or do you take a chance and try something new?
I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with having preferences, we all have them. Without preferences we’d have no idea what we like or dislike. But, having a “type” says that you are choosing caricature over character.
I know that people will always do what they want to do. I just hope that when you make your mold for a perfect partner, you remember to leave enough room so that you can experience some of the awesomeness that this world has to offer. Sometimes, a square peg is the best fit for a round hole.
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