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How to upgrade your cheap water-based lube with something you have a home

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We all love lube, but lube can get expensive. It's common for a 4 oz bottle of water based lube to cost as much as $15. I don't know about you but I don't want to spend $3.60/gal for gasoline, let alone $480/gal for lube. So how can we get the cost down without sacrificing our pleasure? If you don't mind a little DIY, you can make that $2 store brand lube as awesome as the $15 bottle. All you need is a little water.

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Water-based lube is, as the name implies, water-based. When it dries out and gets sticky the water has evaporated. In more expensive lubes they use all types of chemicals to help stop dry out. That is not true of cheaper lubes. T

he cheaper lubes are also super thick because they're used for medical purposes. By adding water to the cheap lube you are getting a thinner more manageable lube as well as a higher water content to discourage dry out. The ratio you want is 3 to 1. For every 3 ounces of lube you want 1 ounce of water. This makes a very slick, very wet lube. If this is too thin for you try a 4 to 1 ratio, it still gives you extra moisture but it keeps the lube a bit thicker, which can be helpful in anal sex.

If you want the cheapest of the cheap drug store brand lubes check out Kroger/Frys. They sell their brand for only $1.99. If you are not near these stores, CVS and Target are your next best bet coming in at $2.49 and $2.99 respectively.

Keep in mind that if your lube is flavored, this will change the flavor. If your lube is warming it may have and effect on that sensation.

If you take this Sexpert Pro Tip, the price of your lube will drop from $480/gal to only $52/gal. Cheaper lube = more lube = better sex.

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