Win a Pour Moi Intensity ($200 value) - Giveaway! - EVERYTHING IS SEX - LTASEX


Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

Win a Pour Moi Intensity ($200 value) - Giveaway!

Win a Pour Moi Intensity ($200 value) - Giveaway!

I was recently contacted by Pour Moi, the makers of the Intensity vibrator/PC muscle toning device to write something up about their product. While my usual answer is no, having used a similar medical device for my back, I was really impressed by the idea.  

Also, they agreed to do a giveaway of an Intensity unit and a $25 discount (use code af111), if you decide to but one. So, that’s pretty damn cool. More details about the giveaway below.

Intensity is a consumer version of Apex, a medical device that uses electronic pulses to strengthen PC muscles and reduce bladder leakage. In this version, they’ve added dual g-spot and clitoral vibrators to make the experience more pleasurable.

While those ab shocking devices of the 90’s and 00’s may have turned you off of this idea, I can tell you first hand this technique works. I was prescribed a Tens unit to strengthen my back muscles and I wouldn’t be walking today without it.

Intensity works through a similar principle and I feel like this might be great for anyone with a vagina whose looking for what it has to offer. I’d actually like to see an anal version of Intensity, too. People with penises like better bladder control and orgasms, too.

I got a review unit of Intensity a couple days ago and I can tell you it’s well made. After taking some photos, I’ll be handing it over to a reviewer and I can’t wait to hear what she has to say about it.

While we wait for the official LTASEX review, we can go ahead and get to how you can win an Intensity unit. All you have do is follow LTASEX on our new Twitter @LTASEXBlog (feel free to unfollow after the giveaway) then click the button and fill out the form. 

I only have an approximate date of when the review will be out but I’ll give folks at least 30 days after it’s released to enter. For right now, I’ll set the tentative end date as June 5, 2015 at 11:59pm ET. The contest is only open to people in the US and Canada.  The winner will be picked at random using

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