I got my first vibrator at 15, it was awesome - EVERYTHING IS SEX - LTASEX


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I got my first vibrator at 15, it was awesome

I got my first vibrator at 15, it was awesome

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At the ripe age of 15, a lot of teens of are getting their driving permits. I got my first vibrator.

By the time I decided I wanted a vibrator, I had been masturbating for a few years and was no stranger to getting myself off. I had been using old electric toothbrushes but I eventually got tired of my clit getting poked by the bristles.

Once, I’d attempted to make my own dildo using some duct tape and magic marker. That DIY project was not so successful. I wanted a big girl toy. However, they do not sell sex toys to minors. So, like any many horny minors before me, my first vibrator came from Spencer’s.

One day, I was at the mall with a friend, she tells me how she had bought one but it broke and wanted to buy another one. Of course, she was afraid to buy it. So, I decided to put on my big girl panties and buy two for the team. She gave me her money and I went on my way.

I ended up buying a pair of no frills mini personal massagers. It’s a small thing now but I felt really proud of myself.

After I picked up the goods, we went into a Macy’s and hid among the clothing racks to make the handoff.

When I finally arrived home from my little mall adventure, I was excited to try out my new purchase but I had to wait until the family was sound asleep. My uncle was the last to drop. The old bastard took forever.

While I waited, I paced around the house to keep myself occupied. As soon as I saw his light go off, I jumped in my bed and turned my lights off… to set the mood obviously.

In the dark, I took the beige, plastic device out its package. It was small, no longer than the palm of my hand. I took a deep breath and turned on the little AA battery operated toy.

I was an instant fan.

I had multiple orgasms while trying out all four of the vibe’s detachable heads. I whimpered as I neared each orgasm, all the while trying to keep quiet and not wake anyone. By the end, sweat and vaginal juices damped my sheets. Forty minutes of fun and I was off to sleep.

The next day, I was feeling bold. I told my mom about my purchase. She was worried that masturbating would lead to sex. Of course that was not true as I did not have sex for another six years. Contrary to overprotective parental beliefs, vibrators are not a gateway to sex.

I don’t think my friend was a teenage horndog like me. She said she threw her vibrator away after a few weeks. I had my friend for about a year, until the little toy could run no longer. After that, I returned to my fingers and toothbrushes until college when I could shop for my sex toys on my own.

Although, my first vibe wasn’t a technological marvel, I would rate 10/10 for a first timer. I loved it. Being able to buy it and use it was an experience that taught me many important things: vibrators are great and that, even at 15, I was already sexually open-minded and brave enough to explore my sexuality. Those are important things to know.

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