Do you like when people bite, lick, kiss your labia? - EVERYTHING IS SEX - LTASEX


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Do you like when people bite, lick, kiss your labia?

Do you like when people bite, lick, kiss your labia?

A little bit ago, it occurred to me that I didn’t know if women liked having their labia stimulated. So, as I’m known to do, I dropped the question on LTASEX’s Facebook page and Twitter.

The responses I got varied. For example, one of my close friends said she didn’t really get any pleasure from touching her labia. Then someone on Twitter said she loves having her labia stimulated.

You see, I asked this question because I had been daydreaming about my boyfriend licking my scrotum the night before. I had basically been at the gates of nirvana from the first lick and was understandably having some major flashbacks.

I started thinking about blog posts I should write celebrating it. That led me to wonder how many dudes like having their scrotums stimulated. Finally, because the labia and scrotum are homologous (the same), I landed at the question I posed at the outset of this blog.

It was one of those moments where I was reminded that the stuff I like and think feels great isn’t for everyone. In fact, the difference between what my partner likes done to his balls and what I like done to mine is kind of a lot.

I like licks, sucking, vibes and other basic stimulation techniques. He enjoys that, but likes squeezing, pinching, slapping and twisting, too. My co-worker’s partner doesn’t get any pleasure from their scrotum at all. One of my other partners loves the stuff I love, but he’s so sensitive he can only handle light sensations.

I’d imagine there are some who like having their labia bitten, spanked, pinched, licked or sucked, too. I already learned that some don’t like stimulation there at all. So, clearly, the answer to my original question is: Yes, some people love having their labia stimulated, but some don’t. Then, among those groups, some like or dislike it in different ways. You know, just like every other sexual act.

It's good to remember that.

How do you like your labia stimulated? Do you even like it at all?

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