Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

Two Years, yay!

Two years ago today, I registered ltasex.info. In that time we’ve seen 4 major redesigns, countless minor tweaks, amassed 1,180 fans on Facebook, 600+ Twitter followers, 20,079 unique visitors, 91,184 page views, and two awards for sexiest blog.

I think it is a small understatement to say that I am incredibly proud of all we have accomplished. Just thinking about reaching this two year mark is making me want to cry with happiness.

While I’m very proud of all that has past, I’m still looking towards the future. Let’s Talk About Sex is and has always been positioned as a long term tool to help me accomplish the sexual revolution I hope to lead one day.

This next year will let me know whether or not that dream can be a reality. It’s crucial for many reasons, most of which are far too vague to put into words.

What I can put into words is my gratitude to all of you incredibly loyal readers who make this hobby of mine worth continuing. Thank you.

While I can’t exactly pinpoint what will be coming far down the line, I can say that for the next few months you can expect a lot more content. For the past few months, I have been trickling our bits here and there. But with some planning, I’ve been able to secure at least a month’s worth of blog posts. That start’s today.

As far as expanding the content into vlogs, I have yet to get everything I need to do that. But don’t worry, I’m to have that all squared away by the end of March.

One more time I would like to thank you for being so damn awesome. I love you guys.

Keep it sexy,


Facebook + Sex = Cockroach + Light

Happy Valentine's Day!