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10 curious facts about giving birth

  1. Most births happen in the middle of the week. Wednesday is the most popular day for births. However, this year is the first year since 1990 that Tuesday was not the biggest day. This year there where 15.4% more births on Wednesday than any other.
  2. As of 2006 the average age of the mother at birth is 25.
  3. 38.5% of births are to unwed mothers, an all time high.
  4. As of 2008, 67% of all first time mothers worked up until their 9th month.
  5. 13.2% of mothers report smoking at some point during their pregnancy.
  6. Even with the rise in alternative medicine a hospital birth with the help of doctor is still most popular. 99% of women chose this option last year.
  7. 1 in 8 births every year are premature.
  8. There are 32.1 sets of tiwns born for every 1000 births.
  9. 22.5% of births are induced every year. This number has leveled off recently. However before 1990 the rate was only about 13%.
  10. 31% of all births are from C-sections. That marks a 50% increase from the year 2000.

For more interesting facts click here. For more information about pregnancy, birth, and parenthood visit Baby Center.

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