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Don’t you hate when a problem you thought was solved pops back up like a herpes outbreak? That’s how I feel about issue of abortion. I thought our society had resolved this issue. Unfortunately, much like herpes, every now and then there is a bumpy patch that you need to clear up with some Abreva.
Back in November, the people voted to elect many new politicians into very powerful positions in our government. (While I did not vote for any of these people, I very much respect the ebb and flow of American politics.) These politicians, all of GOP stock, have their sights set on rolling back our biological freedoms faster than Wal-Mart rolls back prices. These are people you need to keep your eyes on, so I thought I should introduce you. Rather than editorializing I’m going to let their voting records speak for themselves.
John Boehner (R-Ohio) our new Speaker of the House taking over for Nancy Pelosi. His current push to redefine rape is something to watch out for.